With all these fakes roaming around the internet, it can be difficult to ensure that you have obtained an authentic luxury handbag. Imagine spending 1,000s of dollars on a new bag only to find out you invested in a knock-off. That is why here at My World Globe Store we are committed to providing real, authentic, genuine, luxury handbags and accessories to all of our customers. All of our products include their authenticity cards from the manufacture as well as branded dusters and storage components. To take it even further, we have decided to put together a short list of some easy ways to spot a fake or knock-off handbag!
One of the easiest ways to determine a real bag from a fake one is materials. Make sure to inspect the lining and the exterior fabrics. Many times counterfeiters are using images to replicate the bag and therefore may not have a clear shot of the inner lining of the bag when drafting a fake. Therefore the lining of the bag can be discolored or misprinted.
Authentic designer handbags feature even and clean stitching. There are usually minimal to no frays and the stitches are symmetrical and harmonious. Jagged or uneven stitching lines can be a dead give away.
Often knock-off bags will have misspellings or misplaced branding. Although this may seem like an obvious or avoidable flaw, these mistakes are common and easily identify a fake.
Testing the quality and efficiency of the zipper can also be a dead giveaway for a fake bag. Authentic bags feature high-quality and high-functioning zippers. A rough or jammed zipper is rare.
In more cases than not, the inner label on an authentic bag will include the designer, brand, serial number, and manufacture location. A lack of one or more of these details can be a sign that the bag may not be authentic. Once again, because counterfeiters are working from photos rather than the real bag, they may miss little details like that. Make sure to do your research on the bag you want to verify the minor details.
Most designer brands finish their bags off with custom imprinted zipper pulls and handle tabs. They usually feature the brands signature logo or fonts. If a bag is lacking these it may be a fake. Designers also use high-quality metals that are weather and aging resistant. If the metals scratch or fade easily it is most likely not authentic.
These are just some of the many techniques that can be used to ensure the authenticity of your handbags. Here at My World Globe Store we value our customers dollars and their trust in our company. Because of that we want to always provide them with the real deal. Not only do we want to provide you with authentic luxury products, we offer them at competitive market prices. With us, you know your always getting genuine designer bags and accessories at prices that won’t break your bank. If you have any questions regarding our products, don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us. Happy shopping!